Presentation Guidelines


The official language of the SNS Academy is English.

The lecture hall is equipped with a laptop and projector. We ask speakers to save their presentation on a USB stick and to hand it to the organizers in the lecture hall at the latest during the last break before the start of the session.

Presentation format

- Presentation format: 16:9
- Video format: Avi, MPEG, MPG

Disclosure (must be inserted as the second slide after the cover slide)

- Add any financial interests/affiliations related to the information presented (e.g. sponsorship related to the information presented). Please also state if there is no financial interest/affiliation.
- Add any conflicts of interest related to the information presented. Please also state if there are no conflicts of interest.

Code of Conduct

The scientific integrity of the SNS Academy 2024 and the facilitation of informed scientific exchange are high priorities for the SNS. All discriminatory content and language must be avoided, and gender equality must be ensured in all written and spoken documents and presentations associated with the SNS Academy 2024.


For any questions, please contact the IMK congress secretariat: